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Tuesday, November 24, 2009

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Sunday, November 15, 2009

Dr. T. Colin Campbell


I finally had the opportunity to meet the "Father of Modern Nutrition", Dr. T. Colin Campbell, last week in Ithaca, NY. After having him sign my copy of The China Study, the revolutionary book that inspired my career, he obliged me with a brilliant interview describing his book and his decades of extraordinary research on nutritional biochemistry (especially protein and cancer). Much to my excitement, I was also offered a glance into the concepts behind his latest book, which he is actively determined to complete. He exclaimed that his wife refuses to feed him until he works on the book! They are both eager to get this information out in the public. Personally, I cannot wait to read more of the behind-the-scenes nitty-gritty that Dr. Campbell has experienced first-hand. From politics and government to re-defining nutrition, this book has all the makings of a life-changing best-seller!

Dr. Campbell and his wonderful wife then had us in their home for a delicious plant-based potluck where the conversation was fascinating and the food...fabulous! The whole time, I just could not believe I was sitting at the dinner table with Dr. Campbell!!! It was surreal, to say the least!

The evening I returned home, I began instructing my first class for eCornell's Plant-Based Nutrition Certification Program, which is Dr. Campbell's series of courses that delve deeper into his research and its application. It presents a different paradigm, exploring the topic of nutrition both as a science and as a critical component in medicine. http://bit.ly/249Iv. As a graduate, I am thrilled to be able to actively continue to participate. I currently have students in all parts of the world, from Singapore to the Czech Republic, Holland to Istanbul. Dr. Campbell's work is clearly making an impact universally. It is an honor to be a part of this revolution!

Friday, November 13, 2009

The Experience of our First Leg of Tour de Gurus

Going Veg...East Coast Tour de Gurus... http://goingvegtv.wordpress...

Interviewing Dr. Joel Fuhrman, M.D.


This past weekend kickstarted our Tour De Interviews of the Premier Experts in Nutrition for Going Veg with the Plant-Based Dietitian. We started off in New Jersey where we went to Dr. Joel Fuhrman's home. Him and his wife made us a delicious plant-based dinner before we headed off to his awesome office to conduct the interview for film. Here he is whipping up a delicious and nutritious salad dressing.
Dr. Fuhrman, is the best-selling author of Eat to Live, Eat for Health and Disease-Proof your Child, amongst many other critical books. He practices as a Family Physician and not only specializes, but is a Pioneer in Modern Nutritional Medicine. Dr. Fuhrman has appeared in hundreds of magazines, radio, and television shows including: Good Morning America, The Today Show, Good Day New York, America’s Talking, TV Food Network, CNN and the Discovery Channel. In fact, last week, there was an article in People Magazine about how Alanis Morrissette used Dr. Fuhrman's diet to lose lots of weight and get in the best shape ever. This story was featured on the E! Network's "15 Celebrity Body Bouncebacks" this past Wednesday!

Needless to say, he is doing amazing work, having helped thousands of people with varying diseases and conditions in his 20 years of practice. It was so fascinating to see his office, taste his delicious food products in his line, and listen to his genius one-on-one. His website is http://www.drfuhrman.com/ and he has all his books, food products, etc. to order as well as articles and limitless information.