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Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Get your Kidlets to Eat their Veggies!

A mere 10% of high school students are getting their minimum recommended 5 servings of fruits and vegetables a day! Truly, 5-a-day is barely a minimum and that means, as a country, we are in big trouble. http://bit.ly/OMf4n

The truth is that because it is so difficult to get kids to eat the way they need to, we need to find methods to help them out. I have a few ideas:

1) Provide opportunities for your kids to eat fruit and veggies. Keep them readily available and ready-to-eat. Cut-up veggies inb the fridge with dip (hummus, healthy dressings). Keep offering at every meal...get them used to seeing and tasting them. Add fruits for dessert, veggies at meals. Sneak them in at every possibility. Make salads, soups, and dishes that use veggies and fruits. See my website for cookbook recommendations: www.ToYourHealthNutrition.com.

2) Be a role model. Show your kidlets how much you LOVE eating your fruits and veggies. They watch. They notice. They absorb. It is the single most important behavior you can provide your children.

3) Provide them Juice Plus to fill in the gaps... www.JulieannaMSRDJuicePlus.com. It is literally 15 fruits and veggies with 2 whole grains in a capsule, chewie or gummmie. Kids LOVE them and it bridges the gap between trying to eat enough fruits and veggies and getting the phytonutrients they need...


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